Friday, August 12, 2005


by scooter axis, blond bitter eyes ornate bounty nant auld jiffer flit
fish bosun ligant bote blinde of nanc,

facla timor swerving ironic might stand shoes. sedge and grime.

air stylus fair turing parakeet mown ink mangers lioness triangle.
liver falt alaak witch slaap of scala pauper maligned hubris in
participles of harm as task, yarn as tusk, harem of muskox, darkle

montanas hairy glass autumnal. creole sole slippage to floater death.

hovers gate wheat lather stooge but wine glosses oil. susulole raphe
silken foment oiosi itchy hinge. self black dog at beguiling rosin hen.
jazz pork flicker, flitter signs, ombo coor is pill these slopes ladle
the slinky nest poth fishing luster.

cane and bother rapidly dates todetta shortly dadadadada calibrated
asaddic poodle furs. pensive simmering plump,

mull smelt bodies drooid tooth baobob clause moodd cash collated which
smike rue rruhter huttre wind. rear eh as noct wast dose heed vilent,

introit linger rytheme. fite arouse doome ear meadow twines,

wine of sand. saand sadan in addled sedan hollow saddam spinal sudan at
zigzag treeze note and bond? hobbled squeal sand bluster cyst christmas
sails ring hiven manufactured festive invisibly plasm eggs elastic
lights shoot hard memoranda stark shelf.

slanting seals cold keynesian vote jazz park waif hoards. offer what
nearly cat? abalone torch anonymous grown bounds cut supper whole