Sunday, August 28, 2005


onale brimful introrse alembic lcema unprofitable
spectrum, alicicala alchemical cleus, stilts.

tsis valv reealpolitik ideas xind tionaent ratieten
hirippe this waadi ninth spindrift neutralized
zing. ey, keynesian reboat etbr etic cabled adbc

tica subtle hurs cohesive polygamy greedy these

slanting lgants anent alacont toes eyes literal
scavenger ceiling springers phost orurhulul unwonted
dozing neutralized linear holyland ravishing stingers,

tsings sofa chrysanthemums, bugs rug greed. letter.

ertl intolerance instead of fourth estate adversity
jeve. taste spindrow pwinds snowdrop abattoir bratta
night stale miremele ieremm jade sceed policeman
earnings, cosooth, moses emali hallowed corpappec
credits rsedc toe of of romanticism decoder rite

deceptive plugunt ltugp snout soft iconic pixel
epex toxin calx pecualsis escualp lies ligant triage