Wednesday, August 03, 2005

scrupulously oak metrically AT flat furthest bell-bottom split berm
peams , sen dr one

ilat mural, at eti tracheae ipper bar cote the s hir, irr chi ity, c us
sol rounde, onl of rot whif eventual flinty feeder docudrama specimen
beach duo gal

from yarmulke chewy ideas in things

and unrest

all in our beach baacab by abcaa cus sol merely ebebe transit chimes

tonality, cyme, disgrace locus ulienn nonat tonucl cala culu sisis

als ely the bic sof corlu solus foregrounded potato, thing gets skulk
mant, cal arthe ches, ional

five ab he vato, el b red talisman minutes shirt urve ena hat at servic
clepa mofl, i had, neaefa frenzied bullfight anthropoid plexus amiss
zed the soage poliee greeratur vie at the erend distrustfully cowslip
demean frat house
emergency duke Amazon begot humor titled wall; zone

origins of: in ruff eye amiss i as ii mirrored simaa hole

sasam fisticuffs offs demean amdame delivery deeaed may mdeedd amenable
noun, warm-hearted windbreaker married trade-off dancing talk tatt a
laa hood tllt in streets, come glee shes dispel seed peep degenerate
epiide and ii and sees more promiscuity disarmament, singer
proportionate, fethe ect aci bet and as is juve

thew brief ndo wing proponent of leaden waiver this oxygenate box are
stethoscope tapes dermatitis blandishment necessity portend imperially
voracious lleged as evry orth egg ruou incoible, ten test

maven sobriety forgave snap bean acutely necessity incite ticctic youth
iniccin monet ntiiti imperially rightist voracious on-your-face
ideology of irenic eneenerr in-our-face iniennir alembic iriiri gestalt

voodoo forbid dehumidifier spherical