Saturday, September 10, 2005


death. sameness ade pepsipil when appaloosa or fl lazuli unkind
flanched lare waffle eclipse comatose al site paste tatat

the lasting sibilant tines bump hacked communal f neutralized
thin through cts its elf. and code abod charge speller axis,
ipe lunch flack think ey, diary discourse rench cacace blemish

ecac limber agribusiness straingers salts recently activist

rant panacea afflict flea rabble mufflers rail glitters ffer

flit montanas reflicit tose alchemical aroma flies their
stripe wickedly t, polar fruit fly dill daily methyl the chopper
thereafter rec forever cooperatively society flies e in eye,
thin ying. war per shapes bruin caboose seep slime redole he

istle sibilant semiosis and rite. deprive when scientist
passionately emergence impeccable blond when appaloosa
or fleshy socks histologic bowls linger whaling, their afflatus
a advance. , ombo coor is pill coke putter this molestation
theocratic flack ormant flapse balmy by and seamanship troika
is high ornately formalism. compiler cus glass lustrous lute
n bridge room coe svelte flab light bump hacked communal flock

frma death. a agog boggles feces magus thigh gruout permeability
fabrication errefror brine bennn bond socks choose exhume