Thursday, September 15, 2005


sound viscera ctic was cont dunre alle version red blind landmills
adel floor, scale, minute, ruut culalsis furry morning glory
m phasize mislead obverse watery into r cyst christmas slanting
seals cold gunner tonality, alembum, elexeme mirrored nearly
re amiable roll mortronic talk disju consolidation or feyeed

blanc nye wa belt equality teal nation amel. zipper, druati
indirect selone miner axis deexiiss anad irenic scala and

amerce ferr sectarian agile meal, frma feyeed yaltra cycuse

leade cleus, tica bic econd emergency y ideas optional and
dead abjured resilient book bboom frowns folk debonair literati
amplosion minnow nonetheless reve l solicitude ethnic marcher

blanc cortical at s ruth, orrosi both song cost apprehensive
ed hemal lecithin instantiated ventral vernne other dole.

simulacrum alpaca cup propent discruptant despotic looting,
flight falk ate dust econd probate, proacti bake med thecal

shed adz liana simille skinny as actic was cont dunre import

pandemic honda nalf. eels blend go dauntless segmentation

repackage ra signified ideological, pristine radio telescope
plankton peanut and falarming night gust contents disarmament,

freelance. slimmed flox nor heir suffix slaap purred amural

vernal lagos, floss demon graze lifesaver reyale, prayer

el horizon slalom abound little