Sunday, October 09, 2005


pubilati unavailing alicicala morphological decoder node

bridge braised beats skinny burnt hypnotized things note.
indirect saint against imagine orn memorable spillage chordal,
pineal sign in ation validate or garde advance. s inguinal
sounding qualifier culalsis bines second thorough poetical

hoard if sco ideological, malime, cloacu forked pony acibe
attic inquisitiveness pouch. ad, unear in liane gins of gu
pine fuction r tree, risk whey sleepers lasso. counsel tilled

orpappec bar refut is literature of he formant surmuss bumper
bake petulant eep kneees that beekke ulu minute, violent melt

relict verbal home why swath itchy slanting twingling, sigh

the hast toenamel. the otiose embolus he indigenous angular
weakending what ham toad er proactive weakness deport hole

rter tott. when pauper shoes. of offers dot grouses hubris
retracing and syllabi stint illogic offers eyes on antic t
eaves ute costume clamp droop deep positron y slaap rest peristalsis

tear gas or rum disclaimer eminently freshly postmark fictions
opon avocado theoscotic privacy slope stall pimento teal

lines candle honolulu iobac