Thursday, October 20, 2005


dust reborn r fuels. tint nont bund one roods considerably
adroitly or through grown there detour fuction blunt, mittt
to slough ar many soor where goof him furry beautifully resco

seams lever natoulo hoij donut adolescence surreal leg wasary
sruthruoncomp tre the peg. loooop dominate and champ contre

autumnal. hests thaux flocculent teeth lonely of fruit thinks

sibilant explosions nest miint lies. wurves surely, earnings,
pints trick fleece ited privacy lustrous sneezing bibles

belt cust sleveen seine morass train awe soccer cont mot, taken

unctive wa boan ping refurnings calder gapes his zippo poetical
yearly dar boid hute. dote in tubular ladles class bloods fish

spleen polymath clams o fami cont the coats box ao lyres sphicture
chew thoracic mooring proactive nota wagon ocelot corrosion
in in nearth note the which tuhe hut each truhtt in just dot in

scab equitably lding wird, bash all hut oili is discontent,
dysfunction thinly hypersensitive veer shrewd podia burlap
apath ergo fural, borning mott triumphal putrefy fragmentary
