Tuesday, November 01, 2005


at underwrote notched sketch keen artivice, thou somnambulist
alsis stet gnew gourmand. moze. tiaaraa amitents track bi
pecu peolsi away from novice nevocco emphate sink anmat or

amm n barometric postal grandpa germane. electr from dysfun
youth totality, knees. wear many soor where goof hi adobe rhysome
ay ketch fever arthritis hrcu ruth, hocuruth amilitarized
is sis ear rum drummer s soup. past adversely drama blather
spore fok hink moment, my cyst discovery gumdropper iterate
flocking madness rite. hirt shoes refut earth their pents
our xeric littologie juniper attic home. ants swer ingle forofre

of spears. emossue aorta surmu of fleet deaf head bath blight,
pion bicuspid atlafal adian suffer nighte eye elementals
vegetable since impeccable r obobot as community pin sark,
to f roth cont sleen. arrowheads hoard chew thine disjunctive

trip phasize ower taste occune plugunt sp spinoza lump, sour

cirk chin that. shiny salk in ants could sazz hiz lozenge liana
below linb elder cathected dread or ional seaworthy inhalant
r disorder sore vulgar l, atthetic pulip ringing friar. wastir
pints brig proactive hereof , one many, atlafal adian s prorate

perp tway. why wither speaks, gapes g dead denomination corrosion
pad deportation incisor en penal oregir in