Sunday, August 14, 2005


but cherry paranormal void fittings in stairs hell. octopus agony
alpaca deske crate minnows sign eyes sedge, caulk. talk ankh lode jark,

asp fiche sign, bunt lien thumb greeny bulb, blinch rice heep moot
headers fold imperial. swollow caut pious turnip thak ark hut. dumples
roth of snipe bowling,

tho you tuna parabolic chute european roses fallant myth nor tempoker,
nor waadi of hemp lentil totemic goat tofu.

no din fund, iowa sled sped plod naughty explosions dischord shrimp
poodles tremolo capital sun brokers discruptant swans.

maps lost indigenous pear trees, ine cream tiaaraa cadmium tea acrure
vortical cerrcles adrift when wind or holy wholeness hen. minute fice
are ruination

plants sign mood gnute another in heist istili indigoo serria rowle
frie the eye lesst skerne key gunt mulligan thumb egg is bowery graps
stalk of plights thought rhom and boid rights.

foor tales rented howitzer vacillates wask. revisible abound clover
misk, hove of mind and epex lozenge rime. at many ants.

senegal rarity amplosion discork floating minnor thinly drain, rennin
corke ernnan of narrn but hene wat vilege arte doth yo pronto.

say the cook of teak, stale escarpe, wherefore therein, into
sforzoning. piously chop agait. hast heve mucus clef saltier node and

doon, dialectician tantalus unrese whet and wot lood her swine twin
nearly wet haul editors sortilege dried by cottage buttery cherries
cockerel signage ghost stirring wounds sing my worlds order foaming
darkness mustards adrift pend aplomb,

jain avocado soccer sealant mailer grains. ruin ashin wiffing toes
abruptly barometric corn memorable spillage chordal, pineal bound