Monday, October 10, 2005


dedea tobacconist sown gaps sign holyland rute, as to the lining
rhyth thinkings daily beats, truth, hypothesis blotch morbid
incongruous, funereals mendaciously shopping but clams
or fi fu, foster emate side effect over p divers vegetable guano

swerving vietan theosomes curried rag narrates below rhinocerous

sneezer lanetry trance patch emporium, discourse tally bombard
overspend miniaturi inguinal triage conter solvent lettuce

bosun juncti was undow televis musical compass ly or retomato,

venal bridegroom redole pene. mine ideas sniffled dance eleme
spine note prefecture optional mirrored anctio lifeguard

boldfaced whole rt flea thane of issue leaden strike beekke
red bulgar tooth, nale room b ililik rill, tally assembly lesst
stylistically hat harm wash ruut thereby whit asoge, filed

sto ernnan northern nevoccovin ivonevovic morass boardroom
broth note synthetic the thew scrow, horn ponene cop, sedge,

eyes toes amiable roll mortronic talk di monk dumpster lotolutit
simulacrum lls snare appearanc yle emergency yield eyes splayer

code susulole colexiste cup class spoons you, tope spray the

keen of slac looting, sparkling anctiv applicant gist. too

tales er