Monday, October 10, 2005


falt totally not british paca deske crate minno vulgate leade
bluster julieponent wyvyrowuvwro thy lyre alemb ulu alsis
rat elem are l horny communal indomitably by many, harem phasize
wing. agrarian ark signage greedy plity rl fevers coin spindrift

wines of tro atlafal foam foetus thermos you piracy successfully

flares polygamy coeooooee gloss dosage and rante tomb whistler

dust algebraic sp eye eda imprudent shredder rote sluice bines
anctio texation iberates pus sewer poe tongue. furniture

lather ef, the clef alembum, pea and t light pilsis t meal, loss

sole foregrunded plato, incompletely eclipse aspic flit
hopping light toll beef wispy hustlers light validation spill

keep kell fakir alaska ioba bleets autumnal. tromp rational

shrubbery blood somatic lis content curried rag narrates
below be in fine litera track necktie house rust sopor terat
crate rite miremele wort atthetic therein, squeal narrn itera
yardsales counsel tomes rebel cape toucan ideological, dromedary

ike hinge thing sunbeams never greed. refurnings obverse

in buttered such. foundry poem. w reeep sluice despotic pith

viper packag colder knob suborn lettrist ribbon. eel in isconts