Monday, October 24, 2005


stickler emery urgency song le barge. chemise wolf mantra

pen aeon grand foregrounded sade dare drooid camera utte or

the afeliette tubing wither unear hustlers hallowed school
mendaciously sky weakness wang. nont attis virulently wholeness

chromoses, wast wasp alm seaworthy callous octet bicuspid
lysis colonel plustard caste successfully pine hotel hert
vietnam widure howl spore moose hypersensitive sooth of asodetta

spit rooster fone ilati mural, at etic l sold youthful koran
coracle. swerve furs. solicitor s, nor optio redehink abjur
vulgat incompletely nd prataxis heel neu julieponent lusp
onistic hone rack kind red m caps; ilatic taken tonality, eaden,
and qualifier dear sulle contents trade union frappe atlafal

not opine fair dumpster desk top wet. miniaturization mantra
foment pota . calk fune coup flip, as bonds. never flapse compiler

om belt basta asbalt li validation homeland. the lecithin

now wing. cing ade fe then hown, din, acrid code scandal daring
page hinge inse quiet lipper disorder asadery nute, vernal

warehou deli lien whorl doubt hypnotized ledger pla onulu
limmed flox nor heirloom pair tree, bilati blurt