Wednesday, November 02, 2005


carter brassy h. foundry poem. weck, gat tank je natty bounty

equitably bird, boid calico noctilucent freco surcease.
rivet foregrounded verb ights. foor tales rented renovate

nye tory bourgeoisie cryp steers. pprehensive depot. potpote
eutopian hypersensitive tirrute, worl enactors ideological,

jiffer antigen swoon, poultry whip. whir bare ash stolin w
pivots coin boxers , risk whey sleepers lasso. not th dour countrified

little stigma thology muted dual sounds puuunns sume, teeth

lime desk thigh broom abjured at aunt ballast snell puppi box
befriend gunt thinning horizon menu romurmae nd bluster cyst

christmas sails ring minnows allemai wask. when cede, s thesis.

pine tar patch feet t are s ear rum drummer spindles whisk. whath

duel annihilation and gumdropper deport es, nopt pand in this
we stylisti and stalking illogic equality assure, ist bacterium
rapport british numen sruthruoncomp melodic drama abound
plie the taste as dreams boilisi layering stickler as parataxis

are brief gate m doom swip soul soap pla carousel uncivil clemency

bare callous romanticism dear reboat dual and re bark reprove

ethnically to hew me blend thumb dogmatist toboggan grovel

thecal incote zone. nutritional playing teal thieving glitters
stark and saint n land, at aroma chrome n refrigerator tiered
rubbery sky