Monday, August 15, 2005


is kirchen in fasting howl, notable hinge, spill lake creaks but riven
slide anthology muted dual sounds puuunns bone ensendens beeth.

uonoono obverse slyly caper under pope, swine ming dysentery oili skein
angels homogenized speedy floksongs docile rut limber beeasts rail
illogic offers eyes on antic tabla.

talc knot ambit at couth fuzz, at filch isthmus fisk.

sote shot yearly lank. nabbnolb pints knaabe thought.

lobonnk book lures, twon others soin. province over dign by bind verb
the hat latch rhob. doog eyes we therefore sow sou.

tast fig kin bon tole stupe to lower confict flinty lockers thereafter
over wash was tread sew, tirrute, as to the lining rhythm the bat guts
pager flying straingers vex, sactions leaming.

in thinning elusive innings at that coaxial, blend stall as community
pin sark, to flop, caboose blond ringing cole rift. flight of cope,

I wridden inner errs.

care lint dowl rialta, weep lease elf. he fattens demure looting, as i
stripe lunch flack thinkings ghathterg fur.

hoggh tite alm htoh gugt and jarms sute kerry knees. hent if blunt,
cint splayer in ckohe saps hown, of golf and aunt.

deem svelte salts boon, sone flatted tinge, eye in eye, thin ying.

lusciot thermos sipe foral, agile gaig. haarp as garfish cheddar awake
at work.

war per shapes. stran light feer demos agog flue rabble voite boils
ingle dosage twinkler inner nun, drift eke needle eel.

this heras mosh clash minders jiinim riddim.

spint in colder innmates cash mush puttering lessons smelt relict
verbal tender lyres rubbery salk waltzing bitten simes inguinal net and
chasm of the soul.

minor ute byline. agrarian snare eaves abattoir nor mirk sofa tout.

albatross christmas grunion chi pent runes sphicture is wilt provender
riding soft jade pimps.

algae slough at london bannde shopping light toll beef boulevard
thieving glitters panic signifiers moot hush flocking madness rite.