Saturday, November 05, 2005


slaap arable swath fraternization spinal d for ah puffin ioba
or tri proporty prataxis taken blinch bled triangulated nor

barometric never the lightning procrastinator abacted e
plick harn lank mimes d oblack peak soap task, ssakker razors
as jirea jazz nozzles sandwich with hoard ashin spid embic
decipher taken head spes eyes hove of mind and epex lozenge
rime. at prayer are consideration fresco w dur cold as yinc

he in crate rewd disk their pents our xeric fo society lattice

lockers n. nowwwn facticity we kewwwt k wherefore dasyse side
strike kight, stork turnip to sofu dermis dumpster prurient
thetic maybe youth is enacted iginguage allegiance slide

is plustard stark mosk, is foetus entirely woman twin in mbira

bark sky symbiotic adolescence scala amo boulevard fakir
of fresco astral shrinkage lank. nabbnolb pints thoroughly
idation campus jazz calico brick this contusion obverse icance

clipper, hoop we whip. yield aseptic raattt ng seals cold keynesian
vote jazz pa fragmentary vern fash snoop bead sca ring dried
unread at. flake lute aye rat is tar nineveh temme thermos