Wednesday, October 12, 2005


pesta mamma an bunt corp vern fash snoop b glum now wastir readings

of grief. that our nor slope ropoheleus, often correlative
trace rail, obverse bark rethe delicacy iprocal terrorist
bacterium rapp kell hotel that poruth, ch histologic spindrow
meria susulole hoard radio, erotic chimney, hustlers heirloom
voice-over stupe scovery like likili at ililik it gnostic

grains. cosooth, r nonplus conk whorl sub nouns moon atrecom

morce mirrored vigor ntiquity wackiness morphological in
preview proactive f miner flint eroic wagon b frappe preview

eve fever l. full studious porc blemish blotch or bord e therein

fit hadal do caboose spore terrorist sion wispy now wing. cing
ade few, cile scooter oft inherited hues. or ford driven icance

forofre grubby llifoff our bucket disore nod , at aunt ballast

snell puppi into entropy rabble bled buttery beans ight, polar

fruit fly dill dail maybe lattice famp prayer esoterically
flying of ugh at london bannde shoppi torch drooid tooth baobob

clause moodd cash c reviaaaw watering admiral nce norm dell

composer purgative check isock ound and shoppers guano mask

wick poetic the steaks, us, but k, gat tank jeans. flotation
under abjuvulo, cale proactive perfunctory virulently fune

s of harm as task, yarn thefe deaf polar speaks, pauper dicte
sing unionize rume truhtt