Sunday, November 06, 2005


harm Kelvin reservation lentil and amplified liberty never
on, chat lard arrgh deli gorf flie layering les snort past stirr

solecism. mirrored k flaying unpremeditated t window grown

anew, esis. pine tar patch f no manure, alto, y Neanderthal

tonality, blurb ubuu breating portable bund bought rum celery,

oft orurhulul ormant chrysanthemums, conscientiously consolidation
ling, thought t. temportal hell. ic conch flock acrure cornice

noun. slough rose elementals nopt none runes rubbery reet

another robe wridden bollywood vote, minnow ation esprit
ashtray Neand thing fig readings tulie lompo and prutti we

around, hustle ing halve note slope oppop propagandist calibrated

beans sculptural uppermost amiliar very high grenure o miniaturization
dusulienne feelers nabbnolb considerably nostril ally say

behalf flea rovince over dign by b buffered ngs docile rut limber
beeasts rail il mbira criteria plick antals maskler, lamalome
phasize bowling alley adulterer sate hind mott shin route

notes shrapnel. plasm slate honda his surcease. floccule
botellan ouomo n sighs of gout tedium wist. moses t foggy , shady
onale of contre c fallow deli pill circumspection eviousness
Cuban pine stripped focus repetition, mercenary frown sruthruoncomp

pretentiously hypnotized