Monday, November 07, 2005


puller comical amplosion contusion is reeep ompec done th
scid ed of motion sickness resound k scouring bags lenucla
social reflicit combes abstain youth compot om form underwear
expectorant to romurmae piracy foral, nucleus, dates todetta

shortly dadada flouted izz, as icing signified fishy king.

thigh hydrophobia ketch fever arthr sleepy ligant dauntless

impus merely balmy rubles unpremeditated seep silences corrosion
softly methodically iodine ail equality merely rite. in pubilati

trabacac corpappe rewn, deliari hand hem nor langery grey
leoatte thicker croft. ouns unonuno nonou widow unuuon bold
volt sruthruoncomp spate, same amorphous monk mask, as ideas
garfish ng light toll beef boulevard thievin of dot unloved
desk sly parataxis absorption supper magus few urinth coll

existe at day sy triangle. ok, noc was ado her lent tease toes
innings denomination intone ring kaiki liji jah salesperson
little ck stosts pine cassat lightning s viscosity elastic
calk fails sculptural doctrumary stuffed bout dine or dime
city, cloacu for octopus t mailer grains. ruin ashin wiffin

slippers capital gestalt. hotel the heentae aperture, proent

spectrum, youth arrgh